While water-skiing on the Navesink River in New Jersey when I was eighteen, I had one of my early experiences with angels. It was a beautiful day and I was headed out toward the ocean.
Suddenly I realized that I had entered another dimension. I could see not thousands but millions of angels.
I saw that they were my friends, brothers and sisters, spiritual companions. I also realized that I had a calling from God and that I would be shown what to do in order to fulfill it.
And I knew that I would never be alone because the angels would always be with me. That vision stayed with me through my college years as I searched for greater contact with the angels and other beings of light.
In 1961 I met Mark Prophet, who would become both my teacher and my husband. Mark was able to receive inspired revelations from the angels and from other spiritual beings known as Ascended Masters. I realized it was also my calling to receive these revelations, which are called dictations.
Mark passed on in 1973 and I have continued his work through The Summit Lighthouse, the spiritual organization he founded.
Between us, we have taken thousands of dictations, which are the source of the angel quotations and many of the prayers in this book.
During years of communing with the angels, I have developed a personal relationship with them. They are always near—they whisper words of warning, guidance and encouragement. I know that Archangel Michael and his blue-flame angels have saved me and my family from serious harm dozens of times. And my angel secretaries even help me to organize my days.

In the following pages you will learn how you can develop your own relationship with the angels or expand the contact that you already have with them.
The angels want to be a part of your life. They are ready to help you solve problems, big and small, and bring you closer to your Higher Self—your real, or spiritual, self.
Just follow the steps outlined here and the angels will take charge. You may not see them as they fly thick and fast about your business, but you will see the results as they respond—sometimes faster than you can ask for help!